A kinematic model for folds accommodating shortening in tips of reverse faults: an example from the southern Pyrenees (N Iberian Peninsula)

Cómo citar

Huzkeda, H., Poblet, J., & Bulnes, M. (2011). A kinematic model for folds accommodating shortening in tips of reverse faults: an example from the southern Pyrenees (N Iberian Peninsula). TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA, 30(30). Recuperado a partir de https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/TDG/article/view/200


A kinematic model for fault-related folds is proposed based on a field example from thePyrenees. A brief explanation of the model with remarks on its properties and why it was chosen tosimulate the natural structure is given together with a detailed structural analysis. The structure consistsof a meter-scale fold developed at the tip of a thrust fault with its backlimb dipping less than thefault surface and including a footwall fold. The suggested model presents an acceptable geometrical fittingto the studied structure and provides a reasonable evolutionary history for the fold. Graphs ofshortening vs. slip along the fault can be obtained using the model’s equations in which a possiblestructural path followed by the structure can be depicted.