Paleomagnetic analysis from the Balzes anticline (Southern Pyrenees): vertical-axis rotations and kinematics implications
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Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Pueyo, E. L., Pocoví, A., & Barnolas, A. (2011). Paleomagnetic analysis from the Balzes anticline (Southern Pyrenees): vertical-axis rotations and kinematics implications. TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA, 30(30). Obtido de


The Balzes anticline is a complex structure outcropping in the eastern part of the ExternalSierras (southwestern Pyrenees). It is a representative oblique structure of this area, where many N-Strending anticlines are parallel to the main stretching direction. Paleomagnetic analyses allow a preliminarykinematics model to be proposed for this structure. Twelve paleomagnetic sites (mostly derivedfrom magnetostratigraphic analysis) were sampled to calculate rotation magnitudes in both anticlinelimbs. A Characteristic paleomagnetic component, deduced from detailed TH and AF demagnetizations,unblocks up to 570 °C. Rotation ranges from 33° clockwise (CW) to 18º counterclockwise(CCW) are detected with a primary signal (with inclination error). This preliminary dataset permits usto propose a new geometric and kinematics model; the effect of the sedimentary wedge (decreasingsouthwards) together with E-W fold interference, a slow lateral transference of the deformation (rotation)and the low angle thrusting, generate a conical anticline in its northern part passing to a cylindricalstructure southwards. This preliminary model will be improved by a denser network of paleomagnetic,seismic, structural and stratigraphic data, which will lead us to determine the geometry andkinematics of this anticline.
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