Influence of multiple decollement stratigraphy and growth strata on a detachment fold development: insights from 2D Discrete-Element Modelling and application to Pico del Águila anticline (External Sierras, Spanish Southern Pyrenees)
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Vidal-Royo, O., Hardy, S., & Muñoz, J. A. (2011). Influence of multiple decollement stratigraphy and growth strata on a detachment fold development: insights from 2D Discrete-Element Modelling and application to Pico del Águila anticline (External Sierras, Spanish Southern Pyrenees). TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA, 30(30). Obtido de


A 2D Discrete-Element Modelling approach is used to test the influence of multiple detachmentlevels and growth strata in the development of detachment folds. Two experiments are performed,each for testing one parameter. Multiple detachment levels create a contrast in structural stylebetween the upper and the lower stratigraphic units. Growth strata make the structure more robustagainst gravitational instabilities and cause an increase of deformation in the internal and lower partsof the structure. The results are applied to the structure and evolution of the Pico del Águila anticline(External Sierras, Southern Pyrenees, Spain).
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