Care during the process of dying in emergencies. Impact of family and professional speeches on health
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Profesional, relaciones familiares, urgencias, familia, muerte, enfermería de urgencia hospitalaria, duelo. professional, family relations, emergency service, family, death, hospital emergency nursing, bereavement.

How to Cite

Berbís Morelló, M. C., Mora López, G., Berenguer Poblet, M., & Ferré Grau, C. (2023). Care during the process of dying in emergencies. Impact of family and professional speeches on health. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 2(1), 75–97. Retrieved from


The study is a qualitative research which describes and identifies the nursing professionals’ experiences and perceptions about the cures offered to the families who live a dying situation in the emergency department, as well as the families’ experiences, perceptions and feelings about the received support during the treatment process.
Descriptive phenomenological study. Qualitative paradigm, using the Grounded Theory for data analysis. These were collected through in-depth interviews with 15 nurses with experience in the field of emergencies and 10 families who had been in the emergency room accompanying patients during any stage of the death process. A questionnaire of sociodemographic variables was also used, including: age, gender, marital status, and seniority in the emergency room, grief training for the group of nurses and age, gender, marital status, relationship to the deceased, of death for the group of families.
The theoretical saturation was the criterion that allowed ending the sampling process.
Informed consent was requested from the participants and data were processed according to the «Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data».
The emergent axles: the communication/information powers, the professional prosecution for the dimensions of the care, the humanization of the death in the Emergencies department and the emotional support in the mourning process, contain the informants’ meanings, behaviours and values, when they live a dying situation. Their vital experiences are unique, individuals, and cause personal and/or professional reflections, which show a common necessity: to improve the well health of nurses and families.

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