Compassion fatigue on oncology nurses. a literature review
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burnout, enfermera oncológica, estrés traumático secundario, fatiga por, traumatización secundaria Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Nursig oncology, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Secondary Traumatization

How to Cite

Martínez Jara, J., & Tappi Arenas, V. (2023). Compassion fatigue on oncology nurses. a literature review. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 4(1), 97–114. Retrieved from


This study is a bibliographic revision from oncology nursing and compassion fatigue. The oncology nursing professionals daily devote their efforts to fight the suffering of others under constant contact with pain and death, where empathy becomes their main tool to provide the necessary care to these patients in a situation of total pain.
This is related to different types of stress that can lead these professionals to suffer a Burnout Syndrome. But what about Compassion? This constant exposure to suffering, along with feelings of professional unfruitfulness caused by the death of patients can alter their capacity for compassion, leading them to lose the capacity that impels them to offer care, distancing empathy from their main tools of care.

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