Cultural Competence in End-of-Life Care, a Pending Task
Cubierta Issue 7
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barrera del idioma
diversidad cultural
cuidados paliativos
disparidades en atención de salud language barrier
cultural diversity
health care disparities

How to Cite

Romero Gangonells, A., & Reig García, G. (2022). Cultural Competence in End-of-Life Care, a Pending Task. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 7(1), 95–132.


Objectives: To understand the causes of health disparities suffered by ethnic minorities in Western countries in end-of-life care, especially in the South Asian community.
Material and methods: Literature review of 44 articles published between 2015- 2022 from a total of 193, selected from PubMed and CINAHL databases, using MESH descriptors and free search.
Results: Cultural diversity is a growing reality in our setting and brings with it important healthcare challenges. Beliefs, decision-making processes, autonomy,meaning of suffering and symptom management are important factors in the approach to a sick person and their family and depend, to a large extent, on culture and values. Health inequalities are present in our health care system and ethnicminorities are part of the affected population. The health system is structured from Western culture, so its professionals act, by inertia, from this stance.
Conclusions: In order to offer quality palliative care, it is essential to know the experiences of people belonging to ethnic minorities; to be able to make changes in approach and to educate care staff in cultural competence in order to provide fair and holistic care, appropriate to the values and needs of all people. Studies areneeded in our setting to assess the situation.
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