Objectives: 1) To evaluate adherence to pharmacological treatment in the Clinical Risk Groups 6 (two concomitant conditions) and 7 (three or more concomitant conditions). 2) To analyse adherence in relation to the patients’ conditions and their area of residence.
Methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study of patients of CRG6 and CRG7. Measurements were obtained by means of a previously validated survey with four initial items that correspond to the Morisky-Green Scale.
Setting: Primary Health Care services in the rural and urban dwellers of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona, Spain).
Participants: The catchment population were 3,958 patients of urban and rural areas. A total of 114 surveys were obtained; 108 (94.7%) were considered valid; 6 (5.3%) were discarded.
Main measurements: Main variable: Adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green Scale), and explanatory variables: sociodemographic and clinical.
Results: Adherence to pharmacological treatment was 68.5 % (CI 59.7%-77.3%), higher than that obtained in similar studies. Adherence in the rural área was 76.7% (CI 69.7%-85.5%), similar to 65.4% adherence in the urban area (CI 56.4%-74.4%) (p = 0.258).
Conclusions: No significant differences were found in relation to treatment adherence between the urban and rural areas. The prevalence of heart failure is significantly higher in the rural area.
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