Retirement and gender: the continuum in the family responsibilities of retired women from an urban environment
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mujer, jubilación, cargas familiares Woman, Retirement, Family care

How to Cite

Pérez Pérez, I., Godall Castell, M., & Lamoglia Puig, M. (2023). Retirement and gender: the continuum in the family responsibilities of retired women from an urban environment. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 4(1), 35–51. Retrieved from


Introduction: The domestic sphere continues to be a predominantly female space. Despite the increase in the partners’ responsibilities, all indicators continue to show that women assume the majority of the role of carrying out domestic tasks. Gender-sensitive research show that in many cases, retirement returns women to full-time household care; and those obligations to the family continue to occupy a central place in their daily lives.
Objective: To document the situation of the families responsibilities of retired women from an urban environment, through identifying their importance as well as how these have changed and developed from previous years while they were still working.
Methodology: From the qualitative paradigm, a descriptive phenomenological study was designed. In the process of data collection, the technique of groups discussions was chosen. Among the participating women, two groups were established: those who had developed their work activity as qualified personnel and those who carried out elementary occupations.
Results and Conclusions: The results showed differences between the two groups of women, both in the situation of family responsibilities during working life and after retirement. Even though, both groups had different experiences during their professional life, once retired both groups assumed the tasks of taking care of the whole family.

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