Factors that influence living the end of life at home or in the hospital
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domicilio, hospital, cuidados paliativos, final de vida, muerte Home, Hospital, Palliative care, End of life, Death

How to Cite

Heredia Cuenca, M. (2023). Factors that influence living the end of life at home or in the hospital. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 6(1), 71–98. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/hael/article/view/20430


Living the end of a life is a painful, yet unavoidable process that all humans must endure. How to live through it, at home or in a hospital, should be a personal decision. Nevertheless, the will of the patient cannot always be accomplished or expressed explicitly. Death entails something beyond a biological phenomenon, it also carries a social and cultural significance that has changed throughout history. Because of that, nowadays we do not experience the end of a life the same way our ancestors did. Our scientific, technologic, and social innovations have changed the location of death from the residence to a hospital, thus transferring the responsibility of taking care of the patient from their family to a professional and institutionalized hospital. Although data suggest that the place of preference to live our last moments is their own residence, the reality is that a majority dies in a hospital. The aim of this project is to create a bibliographic revision about the factors that are influential in someone’s preference of their location of death. The results of the bibliography conclude that these factors are diverse: for instance, the type of disease the patient is suffering makes spending the last moments of life at home easier. Family relationships, economic and educational status are also influential in this decision, as well as the possibility of access to palliative care from the residence.

PDF (Español (España))


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