Se realiza un estudio comparativo de una serie de características y rasgos comunes entre los personajes de Sancho Panza y del señor Partridge, tales como el habla sazonada por refranes o latinajos, el discurso en circunloquio, el carácter materialista, medroso, glotón y simple, o la función mediadora que ejercen en los conflictos amorosos de don Quijote y Tom Jones. El objetivo es el de evidenciar el molde sanchopancesco sobre elque se construye el personaje ideado por Fielding, sin olvidar un antecedente inmediato, el personaje de Hugh Strap de la novela de Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random.
Sancho Panza, Partridge, don Quijote, Tom Jones, Cervantes, Fielding.
From Sancho’s proverbs to Partridge’s latin phrases: a case study of intertextualityABSTRACT
A comparative study of a number of characteristics and common features between the characters of Sancho Panza and Mr. Partridge, such as a speech seasoned by sayings or Latin phrases, the speech in circumlocution, the materialistic character, fearful, greedy and simple, or the mediating role they play in the amorous conflicts of Don Quixote andTom Jones. The aim is to demonstrate the sanchopancesco mold on which the character invented by Fielding is built, not forgetting an immediate predecessor, Hugh Strap, a character from the novel by Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random.
Sancho Panza, Partridge, don Quixote, Tom Jones, Cervantes, Fielding.
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