Genius and Character: The Author and Literary History in Dieze’s Annotations
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Hispanismo alemán
Biografías literarias
Historia literaria German Hispanism
Literary Biography
Literary History

How to Cite

Calzada Borrallo, C. (2024). Genius and Character: The Author and Literary History in Dieze’s Annotations. Cuadernos De Estudios Del Siglo XVIII, (34), 165–185.


Throughout the 18th century, the genre of literary biography was renewed. Collective biographies of poets were written as new national literatures were conceived. These biographies show a tension between characterization and the singularization of each subject; at the same time, they were an ideal space for the codification of a particular authorial conceptions. This paper examines the biographies of Spanish poets which were included in Johann Andreas Dieze’s notes to his translation of Velázquez's Orígenes de la poesía castellana in 1769. The paper contextualizes his biographies in relation to the tradition and sources he followed, the importance of these in the plan of the translation, and the general influence of expressive poetic theories in his treatment of the biography.
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