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Directrices para autores/as

Language: English.
Format: Word file.
First page: title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail, abstract of not more than 120 words, keywords (up to 5) and JEL classification (up to 5).
Manuscript: empirical originals should adjust to the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Data, Results, Concluding Remarks, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
Length: max. 2,500 words, Times New Roman 12, single space, one-inch margins.
References style:
•    Journal articles:
Gabriel, S.A., Mattey, J.P. and Wascher, W.L. (2003) Compensating differentials and evolution in the Quality-of-Life among U.S. states, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33(5), 619-649.
•    Books:
Dixit, A. and Nalebuff, B. (2008) The art of strategy, Norton: New York.
•    Book chapter:
Lubatkin, M.H., Lane, P.J. and Schulze, W.S. (2001) A strategic management model of agency relationships in firm governance. In Hitt, M.A., Freeman, R.E. and Harrison, J.S. (Eds): Handbook of Strategic Management. Blackwell: Oxford, 229–258.
•    Working papers:
Svejnar, J. (2003) Structural Reforms and Competitiveness: Will Europe Overtake America?, Working Paper 545. Ann Arbor, MI.
