Investment scenarios and regional factors in the solar energy sector


  • Panagiotis Liargovas University of Peloponnese
  • Nikolaos Apostolopoulos



This paper examines the effects of regional factors related to macroeconomic, environmental and energy data in relation to regional investment attractiveness to the solar energy sector. It focuses on renewable energy expansion, as it is key to sustainable economy and global challenges. Applying an AHP method, the paper aims to determine the significance of some criteria with reference to the regional investment attractiveness of solar energy enterprises. The AHP method is applied to approach investments in the solar energy sector, by incorporating regional factors in decision-making. Ten investment scenarios are created and their scores are calculated based on regional factors. It is found that regions vary in terms of their investment attractiveness in the solar energy sector.

Author Biographies

Panagiotis Liargovas, University of Peloponnese

Jean Monnet Professor of European Economic Integration and Policies, Department of Economics

Nikolaos Apostolopoulos

Lecturer, Plymouth Business School


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How to Cite

Liargovas, P., & Apostolopoulos, N. (2016). Investment scenarios and regional factors in the solar energy sector. Economics and Business Letters, 5(3), 95–104.


