Estimating functional efficiency in energy futures markets


  • Javier Garcia-Verdugo Full Professor of Applied Economics, UNED (Madrid).
  • Meliyara Sirex Consuegra Research Assistant, Department of Applied Economics, UNED (Madrid).



This paper proposes a method to estimate the functional efficiency of energy futures markets in terms of social welfare. Using a standard futures markets structural model, it can be concluded that the error committed when using futures prices at moment t to predict spot prices at t+1 results in welfare losses through resource misallocation. Therefore, the social welfare associated with the presence of energy futures markets can be measured using a social loss (SL) statistic and its components. This statistic is computed for six energy futures contracts with eight maturities each with data from April 1992 to December 2012. The results confirm the consistency and robustness of the method. Finally, several practical uses for the SL statistic are suggested.

Biografía del autor/a

Javier Garcia-Verdugo, Full Professor of Applied Economics, UNED (Madrid).

Full Professor, Department of Applied Economics (UNED), where he is teaching a PhD. course on Energy Economics and Policy. Ph.D. in Economics at UNED, with a dissertation about the welfare effects of energy futures markets that received a Special Award. Visiting Fellow at the Center of International Studies and at the Southern European Research Group (Princeton University). Member of the Research Group on International Political Economy and Energy (UNED). He is the author of several books and a good number of papers published in Spanish and international journals about energy economics, international finance, economic development and global public goods... He is presently acting as expert witness in an international arbitrage between a group of photovoltaic investors and the Kingdom of Spain.

Meliyara Sirex Consuegra, Research Assistant, Department of Applied Economics, UNED (Madrid).

Research Assistant and Scholarship holder, Department of Applied Economics (UNED). Graduated in Economics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Master in International and Development Economics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Ph.D. student on “The variability of food prices in developing countries and its effects: public and private solutions to food security”. Member of the Research Group on International Political Economy and Energy in UNED.




Cómo citar

Garcia-Verdugo, J., & Consuegra, M. S. (2013). Estimating functional efficiency in energy futures markets. Economics and Business Letters, 2(3), 105–115.