Determinants of book reading and library attendance in Colombia. A microeconometric approach


  • María Luisa Palma Universidad de Sevilla
  • Luis Fernando Aguado Pontifica Universidad Javeriana
  • Ana María Osorio Pontifica Universidad Javeriana



The article explores the determinants of the decision to read books and visit libraries in a developing country, Colombia, based on data from the Encuesta de Consumo Cultural 2008  [Cultural Consumption Survey] (ECC2008). For this purpose, multilevel logistic regressions are estimated, results showing that a high level of education and a greater socioeconomic status have a positive and significant effect on the decision to read, whereas socioeconomic status does not prove significant vis-à-vis library visits. Moreover, the VPC (Variance Partition Coefficient), 5.33% (6.58%) of the residual variation in the propensity to read at least one book (visit a library), can be attributed to unobserved features of the neighbourhood

Biografía del autor/a

María Luisa Palma, Universidad de Sevilla

Departamento de economía e Historia económica

Luis Fernando Aguado, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana

Departamento de economía

Ana María Osorio, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana

Departmento de Economía


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Cómo citar

Palma, M. L., Aguado, L. F., & Osorio, A. M. (2014). Determinants of book reading and library attendance in Colombia. A microeconometric approach. Economics and Business Letters, 3(2), 79–86.