Cultural offer and distance in a spatial interaction model for tourism


  • Roberto Patuelli University of Bologna
  • Maurizio Mussoni University of Bologna
  • Guido Candela University of Bologna



Culture is more and more considered as an important driver of tourism. However, it is critical, for policymakers, to evaluate the potential returns from investments in culture and generally cultural offer, in particular in multiregion settings with a potentially inefficient distribution of cultural offer. Our paper focuses on the role of distance (between the tourist’s origin and destination regions) in mediating the tourism impact of cultural offer. This research question is investigated by means of a spatial interaction model, applied to the case of Italian domestic tourism. We find that distance indeed matters: a destination’s endowment in culture appears to be more attractive for long-distance tourists, while an origin region’s endowment seems to dinsincentivate long-distance trips to a greater extent.

Biografía del autor/a

Roberto Patuelli, University of Bologna

Assistant professor (Ricercatore) of Economic Policy Web: Google scholar citations (as of September 2013): 369 Selected articles - Castellani, M., P. Pattitoni and R. Patuelli (2013). Abnormal Returns of Soccer Teams: Reassessing the Informational Value of Betting Odds. Journal of Sports Economics, forthcoming. - Patuelli, R., M. Mussoni and G. Candela (2013). The Effects of World Heritage Sites on Domestic Tourism: A Spatial Interaction Model for Italy. Journal of Geographical Systems 15 (3): 369–402. - Patuelli, R., N. Schanne, D.A. Griffith and P. Nijkamp (2012). Persistence of Regional Unemployment: Application of a Spatial Filtering Approach to Local Labor Markets in Germany. Journal of Regional Science 52 (2): 300–23. - Oud, J.H.L., H. Folmer, R. Patuelli and P. Nijkamp (2012). Continuous-Time Modelling with Spatial Dependence. Geographical Analysis 44 (1): 29–46. - Patuelli, R., D.A. Griffith, M. Tiefelsdorf and P. Nijkamp (2011). Spatial Filtering and Eigenvector Stability: Space-Time Models for German Unemployment Data. International Regional Science Review 34 (2): 253–80. - Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and N. Schanne (2011). Neural Networks for Regional Employment Forecasts: Are the Parameters Relevant? Journal of Geographical Systems 13 (1): 67–85. - Patuelli, R., S. Longhi, A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp (2008). Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms as Forecasting Tools: A Case Study on German Regions. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (4): 701–22. - Patuelli, R., P. Nijkamp and E. Pels (2005). Environmental Tax Reform and the Double Dividend: A Meta-Analytical Performance Assessment. Ecological Economics 55 (4): 564–83.


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Cómo citar

Patuelli, R., Mussoni, M., & Candela, G. (2014). Cultural offer and distance in a spatial interaction model for tourism. Economics and Business Letters, 3(2), 96–108.