Youth unemployment in the EU15: regional and national inequalities throughout the 2008 economic crisis


  • Alberta Maria Carlotta Spreafico
  • Agnese Dina Peruzzi
  • Enrica Chiappero Department of Political and Social Sciences University of Pavia, Italy



This paper analyses inequality in terms of youth unemployment rates across the EU15 regions and countries, before and throughout the 2008 Economic Crisis. A series of descriptive investigations explore intra-national regional inequalities, as well as cross-national ones. It is found that before the crisis, there were generalized low average levels of youth unemployment and inequality was mostly found within countries. Throughout the crisis, intra-national homogeneity and cross-national inequality increased. By 2013 a polarization dynamic emerged, with a Southern/Mediterranean European group of regions that reached acutely high levels of youth unemployment, versus a few countries that were resilient to the crisis and Germany that reduced its youth unemployment rates.



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Cómo citar

Spreafico, A. M. C., Peruzzi, A. D., & Chiappero, E. (2014). Youth unemployment in the EU15: regional and national inequalities throughout the 2008 economic crisis. Economics and Business Letters, 3(3), 177–190.