Complex method of petroleum products demand forecasting considering economic, demographic and technological factors


  • Ekaterina Grushevenko ERI RAS



The article describes study results on the development of methods for forecasting the demand for petroleum products, some petroleum product groups in the world and in some countries node(nodes). The developed method is based on the combination of different forecasting approaches: correlation, factor, technical, economic and econometric analysis with mathematic economic model elements.  The method may be used in the performance of a wide range of tasks: from specific petroleum product market forecasting, such as aviation kerosene or motor gasoline, to system study of the world petroleum market development prospects and the future petroleum role in the energy balance of individual countries and regions. 


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Cómo citar

Grushevenko, E. (2015). Complex method of petroleum products demand forecasting considering economic, demographic and technological factors. Economics and Business Letters, 4(3), 98–107.