Determinants of households’ choice of energy for lighting in Nepal


  • Maheshwar Giri National College, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Binoy Goswami Faculty of Economics, South Asian University, New Delhi, India



The paper identifies the determinants of energy choice for lighting in Nepal by applying a multinomial logit regression to a nationally representative set of household level data.  It has been found that the richer households use better quality source of energy, confirming the energy ladder hypothesis. The other significant determinants of energy choice for lighting in Nepal are: gender and education level of the heads of households, family size and proportion of dependent population in families, distance from the market and location of households. The paper suggests the utilisation of the potential of micro hydropower plants for supplying clean energy in the remote areas of Nepal.  

Author Biography

Binoy Goswami, Faculty of Economics, South Asian University, New Delhi, India

Assistant professor, Faculty of Economics



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How to Cite

Giri, M., & Goswami, B. (2017). Determinants of households’ choice of energy for lighting in Nepal. Economics and Business Letters, 6(2), 42–47.


