Evaluating the liberalization process on Telecommunications services for EU countries


  • Christos Agiakloglou University of Piraeus
  • Michael Polemis University of Piraeus




This paper investigates the main determinants of Telecommunications demand for European Union (EU) countries using a panel data set for 19 EU countries over the period 1991-2010, capturing the years before and after the liberalization process.  The goal is to clarify whether any changes in the demand of Telecommunications, as expressed by volume of traffic in local, mobile and international market segments, are attributed to regulatory process or to some other major drivers, taking also into account the relevant price elasticities.  It turns out that the regulatory process does not seem to have significant impact on demand for Telecommunications services for the first period of liberalization.


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Cómo citar

Agiakloglou, C., & Polemis, M. (2018). Evaluating the liberalization process on Telecommunications services for EU countries. Economics and Business Letters, 7(3), 98–107. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.7.3.2018.98-107


