The Substitution Effect from the Profit Function in Consumption: Expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions




In the context of the optimizing behaviour assumption of individuals (Becker, 1976), three types of demand functions appear: Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian functions (Sproule, 2013). The Substitution Effect (SE) is a relevant concept, with our short paper developing two alternative theoretical expressions, specifically focusing on the Profit Function in Consumption and the Frischian functions. I address the fact that these demand functions with constant marginal utility of income play a very relevant role in the inter-temporal context.

Biografía del autor/a

José Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal, University of Zaragoza


Economic Analysis Department


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Cómo citar

Gimenez-Nadal, J. I. (2018). The Substitution Effect from the Profit Function in Consumption: Expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions. Economics and Business Letters, 7(3), 92–97.


