The importance for a start-up to trust in open innovation: A systematic literature review


  • Katia Mastrostefano University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
  • Gustavo Morales-Alonso
  • Marco Greco
  • Michele Grimaldi
  • Jose Antonio Blanco-Serrano



It has long been known that new firms are fundamental for economic growth. Starting new companies is one of the best ways to fight unemployment and to generate well-being. Therefore, attention is paid by the scientific community to start-ups, with particular empha-sis at how they generate, acquire and manage innovation. Initially, start-ups need to identify the resources necessary for innovation and later they will decide whether to develop them internally or acquire them externally. Being open to external sources is a crucial point for the success of new ventures; indeed, adopting Open Innovation processes allows start-ups to overcome their initial shortcomings. The goal of this research is to understand the literature status related to Open Innovation adoption by start-ups.


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Cómo citar

Mastrostefano, K., Morales-Alonso, G., Greco, M., Grimaldi, M., & Blanco-Serrano, J. A. (2020). The importance for a start-up to trust in open innovation: A systematic literature review. Economics and Business Letters, 9(4), 289–297.