Quality in organizations: its capacity for transformation to create sustainable value


  • Pablo Arranz Val Burgos University
  • Julio César Puche Regaliza Burgos University
  • Paula Antón Maraña Burgos University




This paper analyzes the evolution of the concept of quality in the different development stages of organizations and specifies the main systems of quality and excellence recognition at global level. The progress has been significant and there is still a long way to go to achieve, as far as possible, the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations for 2030. The proposal of the new EFQM Model in offering a framework and methodology to help with the changes, transformation and disruption that people and organizations face every day by measuring where they are on the path to creating sustainable value, will undoubtedly contribute to achieving the aforementioned SDG’s.


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Cómo citar

Arranz Val, P., Puche Regaliza, J. C., & Antón Maraña, P. (2020). Quality in organizations: its capacity for transformation to create sustainable value. Economics and Business Letters, 9(4), 306–316. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.9.4.2020.306-316