Threshold effects and unit roots of real commodity prices since the mid-nineteenth century


  • Pedro Clavijo
  • Jacobo Campo
  • Henry Mendoza



This paper investigates whether a unit root process and nonlinearities can characterize real commodity prices for six major primary goods. An unconstrained two-regime threshold autoregressive model is used with an autoregressive unit root. Among the main results, it is found that terms of trade for agricultural, mineral, non-tropical, and non-oil goods are nonlinear processes that are characterized by a unit root process. The finding of nonlinearities explains why the deterioration of the terms of trade has been episodic. Additionally, we found there is no statistical evidence supporting the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis for agricultural, mineral, non-tropical, and non-oil goods.


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Cómo citar

Clavijo, P., Campo, J., & Mendoza, H. (2020). Threshold effects and unit roots of real commodity prices since the mid-nineteenth century. Economics and Business Letters, 9(4), 342–349.