Revisiting the Mankiw et al. (1992) growth regressions


  • Spyridon Boikos
  • Theodore Panagiotidis University of Macedonia, Greece
  • Elisavet Serenidou
  • Thanasis Stengos


Palabras clave:

Economic Growth, Human capital, Education, Neoclassical model


We revisit the famous Mankiw et al 1992 (MRW) paper by updating the data for the periods 1960-2015, 1970-2015 and 1990-2015. We present results for the Solow, the augmented Solow model and the conditional convergence on saving rates, population growth and human capital. The augmented model fits the data better. Human capital remains significant and higher than the MRW estimates for both the augmented model and the conditional convergence. The updated dataset highlights that the importance of human capital for growth is higher than MRW have demonstrated to be. The datasets for reproduction are also provided.


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Cómo citar

Boikos, S., Panagiotidis, T., Serenidou, E., & Stengos, T. (2023). Revisiting the Mankiw et al. (1992) growth regressions. Economics and Business Letters, 12(3), 241–247.