How does inflation propagate among CPI components? Evidence from the euro area


  • Tiago Trancoso IPVC
  • Sofia Gomes


Palabras clave:

Inflation, CPI components, Interconnectedness, Spillovers, TVP-VAR, Euro area


This study employs a time-varying parameter vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model to investigate infla- tion propagation and spillovers among twelve major Consumer Price Index (CPI) components across eleven euro area countries from 1999 to 2023. We uncover empirical regularities in the transmission channels of inflation, noting Transport and Clothing and Footwear as primary shock transmitters, whereas Communi- cation, Alcohol and Tobacco consistently absorb shocks. These insights, consistent across various contexts and countries, contribute to understanding inflation persistence and households’ inflation experiences in the Euro area.


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Cómo citar

Trancoso, T., & Gomes, S. (2024). How does inflation propagate among CPI components? Evidence from the euro area. Economics and Business Letters, 13(2), 58–67.


