Gold, bitcoin and the financial fear gouge


  • GIL COHEN Western Galille College


Palabras clave:

Hedging, Gold, VIX


Our study investigates the hedging ability of Gold and Bitcoin to hedge against financial market crashes. We also examined the ability of the VIX fear gouge to improve the ability of those financial assets to hedge financial risks.  We found a positive dependency between the current daily prices of Gold and Bitcoin with a stronger impact of Gold on Bitcoin than vice versa. We also find that in recent years (2021-2023), Gold price changes are negatively correlated to yesterday's price change of the S&P500 a day before and positively correlated to yesterday's NASDAQ price change.  


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Cómo citar

COHEN, G. (2024). Gold, bitcoin and the financial fear gouge. Economics and Business Letters, 13(3), 132–140.


