Multilateral trade liberalization and public goods provision in a North-South trade model with nonhomothetic preferences


  • Joachim Stibora Kingston University
  • Albert de Vaal Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Management Research



Nonhomothetic preferences imply that developing countries are less likely to gain from multilateral trade liberalization than developed countries. This paper shows that this relative disadvantage for developing countries changes when effects on public good provision are taken into account. The direction of the change depends on the strength of their comparative advantage in export markets. We show that a strong (weak) comparative advantage in export markets mitigates (reinforces) the relative disadvantage of multilateral trade liberalization for developing countries. Moreover, in the presence of public goods provision, the relative disadvantage for developing countries with a strong comparative advantage is further mitigated when income differences within countries are also taken into account.


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Cómo citar

Stibora, J., & de Vaal, A. (2012). Multilateral trade liberalization and public goods provision in a North-South trade model with nonhomothetic preferences. Economics and Business Letters, 1(2), 27–36.


