Background: The different conflict resolution strategies that couples use are crucial in preserving or ending their relationships. Despite the importance of these strategies, no instrument for measuring them has been adequately adapted to Spanish culture. The goal of this study is to adapt the Accommodation among Romantic Couples Scale to Spanish culture, filling this gap by providing a rigorous instrument to evaluate the construct. Method: A total of 489 participants from the general population responded to the instrument after adaptation. The scale’s psychometric properties were then evaluated from a classical perspective. Results: The indexes of fit from confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit to the four-factor structure proposed by the authors of the original scale: voice, loyalty, exit, and neglect. The reliability of these dimensions was similar to that obtained in the original version. Evidence of validity relative to other variables indicated good convergent and discriminant validity. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the Accommodation among Romantic Couples Scale is a reliable instrument with sufficient valid evidence to provide accurate measurement of conflict resolution strategies in couple relationships.