Qualitative analysis of the IDETID-LEA (test for detecting dyslexic errors). From a behavioral cognitive perspective, talk about dyslexic children or dyslexia like a nosological entity with own existence do not make sense, but instead of this we must consider that there are certain children whose school learning problem consist of that they commit dyslexic errors in reading and writing, which in turn ocassions that they can not read and write in a correct and efficient way; therefore, a dyslexic child is not one that has not learned or does not possess the ability to read and write, but he has learned them in a faulty way, making errors that consist to confuse by others some phonemes and graphemes. This way, a behavioral approach would not already speak about dyslexic children, but of children that commit dyslexic errors in reading and writing tasks, considering these errors like the problem that is necesary to attack ant not to think about them as an illness or subyacent state of the organism and also considering that they are learned problems and, therefor e, they can be improved by the principles and technicals of the Behavioral Cognitive Psychology. Coherent with this approach, an instrument with content validity was built in order to detect this type of er rors (Aragón y Silva, 1996); besides, this instrument has three result matrices in order to write down the errors the child makes, one matrix for each area content when it crosses the type of error commited with every generalization universe. The objective of this work is to explain the way the results qualitative analysis of the execution of the evaluated child is made, based on the three result matrices and how they are useful to plan the treatment.