Influence of two procedures on the generalization of the correction of articulation disorders. A systematic study about the generalization in the treatment of articulation language problems of children ispresented. Two procedures with different kind of language functional relations were used: Group 1 received a treatment only with imitation word trials, and Group 2 received imitation, tacts and intraverbal trials. Ten children of 5-6 years old participated as subjects, all of them were with similar verbalarticulation problems. A between-groups design was used, that involved pre-post tests of different verbal responses (words imitation, tacts, intraverbals, and Registro Fonológico Inducido as standard tests),also different situations and audience were used as tests. Group 2 children showed a greater degree ofgeneralization across linguistic units palabras(Z= -2.23, p = 0.0255), across tacts (Z=-2.63, p= 0.0084),and across intraverbals (Z=-2.63, p= 0.0084); in a standardized test (Registro Fonologico Inducido)(Z=-2.62, p= 0.0086); and across situations (Z= -2.49, p= 0.0126). These results concluded aboutthe necessary use of different kind of trials though functional relations in order to provoke the best generalization from the verbal training during the sessions to the ordinary language of children.