Evaluación progresiva de la invarianza factorial entre las versiones original y adaptada de una escala de autoconcepto
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How to Cite

Elosua, P. (2005). Evaluación progresiva de la invarianza factorial entre las versiones original y adaptada de una escala de autoconcepto. Psicothema, 17(Número 2), 356–362. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8281


Progressive way in strict factorial invariance. The common factor model equate the equivalence between tests with the strict factor invariance. This paper illustrates one sequential way to evaluate the factor invariance. First, we analyze the configural invariance, the metric invariance and the strict factor invariance. Second we put our attention on item analysis, to look for information about non-invariance focus. This way to work is showed by an empirical study in the field of test adaptation. We adapted to Basque language one test about self-concept (AFA-A) and then we analyze the strict factor invariance. The results showed the configural, metric and strong invariance was presented in the adaptation of test. Also 29 item (n= 31) have the property of strict factor invariance.
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