Evaluación de los comportamientos violentos en los centros educativos
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How to Cite

álvarez, L., álvarez, D., González-Castro, P., Núñez, J. C., & González-Pienda, J. A. (2006). Evaluación de los comportamientos violentos en los centros educativos. Psicothema, 18(Número 4), 686–695. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8363


Evaluation of violent behaviors in secondary school. The school harassment, or bullyng, is a term that for being so frequent already forms a part of our vocabulary. In the present work one presents a new instrument of evaluation of the violence that happens in the school centers. The Questionnaire of School Violence (CUVE) has been elaborated and, later, applied to a sample of 1637 teenagers of seven centers of Secondary Obligatory Education (public and compound). The CUVE evaluates in a trustworthy way five dimensions of the school violence: a) physical indirect violence on the part of the student body; b) verbal violence of the student body towards companions; c) physical direct violence between(among) pupils; d) verbal violence of the student body towards the professorship; y e) violence of the professorship towards the student body.
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