Acoso laboral: relaciones con la cultura organizacional y los resultados personales
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How to Cite

Topa Cantisano, G., Morales Domínguez, J. F., & Gallastegui Galán, J. A. (2006). Acoso laboral: relaciones con la cultura organizacional y los resultados personales. Psicothema, 18(Número 4), 766–771. Retrieved from


Mobbing: its relationships with organizational culture and personal outcomes. A study dealing with the effects of both organizational culture and mobbing on personal and organizational outcomes of a sample of Spanish emergency workers, is reported here. It was found that there is a strong impact of organizational culture dimensions on mobbing, and that mobbing affects job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. Results concerning organizational commitment show that this variable is not a mere effect of mobbing in general, but rather that it is also a direct impact of culture on this outcome.
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