Validation of a questionnaire for measuring psychosocial factors associated with pharmaceutical ca re in Spanish community pharmacists. Pharmacotherapy follow-up (PTF) is the professional practice in which the pharmacist takes charge of the needs of the patients related to their drugs. Objective: To validate a questionnaire to measure the ASE psychosocial determinants (attitude, social influence, selfefficacy) of PTF and the Prochaska & DiClemente's stage of change in Spanish community pharmacists. Method: Postal survey to 482 Asturian community pharmacists (test and retest). Validity was estimated in 134 pharmacists answering the test. Stability was estimated in 85 pharmacists answering the test and retest. Exploratory factorial analysis was used to investigate construct validity and produced 4 factors and 104 items. Those factors had high reliability (Cronbach's α between 0,87 and 0,96). Discriminant validity: Pharmacists in extreme stages of change showed significant differences of attitude, motivation and self-efficacy. Repeatability was good and the questionnaire appears valid and reliable.