Modulación del trabajo: estrategias de adaptación del trabajador para regular las demandas de tarea y persona
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How to Cite

Duro Martín, A. (2009). Modulación del trabajo: estrategias de adaptación del trabajador para regular las demandas de tarea y persona. Psicothema, 21(Número 1), 105–111. Retrieved from


Work modulation: Worker's adaptation strategies to regulate task and person demands. This research addresses the possible work modulation by the worker. Modulation is understood as an active coping mechanism, and it includes diverse strategies aimed at regulating work demands, guided by subjective matching criteria. Participants were 719 workers from several jobs that completed a questionnaire about their work task and person contents, using a cross-sectional design. In general terms, results support that work modulation tends to be specialized, depends on thresholds, and it is guided by an internal criterion. It is concluded that workers do turn to this mechanism to adapt to their work, whose strategies can be trained with a view to maintaining their employee well-being and preventing health risks at work.
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