Compartir datos: hacia una investigación más sostenible
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How to Cite

Botella Ausina, J., & Ortego Maté, C. (2010). Compartir datos: hacia una investigación más sostenible. Psicothema, 22(Número 2), 263–269. Retrieved from


Data sharing: Towards a more sustainable research. In psychology, there is little tradition of sharing raw data from one's research. This lack of tradition, along with other circumstances, reflects some weaknesses of psychology as a science. The reasons for which this scarce willingness to share data and the counter-arguments in favour of the benefits that a change in attitude would involve are discussed in this article. Such a change would not only strengthen the scientific nature of psychology, but also result in a more sustainable development of the research, allowing practices such as recycling and secondary analyses of raw data. Some ways of action to facilitate this change are also suggested.
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