Deterioro de parámetros de los ítems en tests adaptativos informatizados: estudio con eCAT
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How to Cite

Abad, F. J., Olea, J., Aguado, D., Ponsoda, V., & Barrada, J. R. (2010). Deterioro de parámetros de los ítems en tests adaptativos informatizados: estudio con eCAT. Psicothema, 22(Número 2), 340–347. Retrieved from


Item parameter drift in computerized adaptive testing: Study with eCAT. This study describes the parameter drift analysis conducted on eCAT (a Computerized Adaptive Test to assess the written English level of Spanish speakers). The original calibration of the item bank (N = 3224) was compared to a new calibration obtained from the data provided by most eCAT operative administrations (N = 7254). A Differential Item Functioning (DIF) study was conducted between the original and the new calibrations. The impact that the new parameters have on the trait level estimates was obtained by simulation. Results show that parameter drift is found especially for a and c parameters, an important number of bank items show DIF, and the parameter change has a moderate impact on high-levelEnglish θ estimates. It is then recommended to replace the original estimates by the new set.
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