About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Res Mobilis is a publication specialized in studies related to furniture, decorative objects and art, analyzed from different perspectives: market, commerce, tendencies, factories, stores, catalogues, design, relationship between refined-antique and middle class furniture, interior design, the role of the designer, decoration and society, ... This journal was created as a forum to discuss research related to these fields, and with a strong Americanist orientation, although there are great similar publications in the Anglo Saxon world, there is still no evidence of a publication that includes the richness of the Latin American world.

This journal is aimed at an academic and professional audience, but it is also relevant for people interested in design, interior design and furniture, analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective that involves art history, anthropology, sociology, the world of decorative objects, spatial arts, the history of taste and museological procedures concerning decorative objects and design.


Peer Review Process

In order to ensure an objective assessment of the quality of articles and to determine whether they meet the journal´s objectives, all submitted articles shall initially be assessed by the Editorial Board, which shall reject any research that is not in line with RES MOBILIS´s objectives.

If an article has been provisionally accepted, at least two reviewers will be asked to assess it using a double-blind peer review process. On the basis of the peer review report and the opinion of the Editorial Board, RES MOBILIS´s Executive Board shall decide whether the manuscript will be published, returned to the author so he/she can make the reviewers´ recommended improvements or rejected outright.

Authors shall be informed of the decision no more than three months from the date on which the article was provisionally accepted.

Periodically, a list of reviewers who have collaborated on the last issues of RES MOBILIS shall be published, along with the number of reviewers per article.

RES MOBILIS shall also develop a system that enables articles to be reviewed continuously in an open way. In other words, any reader will be able to criticize and make comments or suggestions about published articles.


Publication Frequency

The publication is released annually.


Open Access Policy

Res Mobilis is committed to the open-access model of publishing. This ensures free web access to the results of research and maximum visibility for published papers.

Res Mobilis provides free, unrestricted access to full-text articles immediately upon publication, without subscription barriers to access.

There are no article processing or submission changes for authors. 


 Journal History

Res Mobilis was created with the objective of filling a gap concerning scientific journals in Spanish related to the study of decorative arts and design. The research group that supports this journal has a brilliant career in the field of research, and wants this publication to become a point of reference in Spain and Latin America, even though it is also open to publications from other parts of the world. The journal is structured in three different sections: one for articles of a certain relevance and size, anther one entitled “Notes”, which aims to focus on the study of relevant examples and a third section based on reviews.  The journal fulfills 33 criteria established by Latindex concerning digital journals. wil