Between 1900 and 1910 a building boom occurred in Canet de Mar, a village near Barcelona. Remodels or new buildings include technical innovations like gas and later on electricity, adapting to new styles and ways of life. The first building constructed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner in Canet, in 1884, is the Ateneu. His son, Pere Domènech Roura, designs in 1917 the Serra Pujades house. Between these two constructions interiors are created, to a greater or lesser extent decorated with Art Nouveau (Modernist) objects that coexist with anterior furniture, reflecting at the same time personal taste ot the families, as their own past, with inherited furniture. The interiors created by renowned artists like Lluís Domènech i Montaner or Eduard Ferrés i Puig, for big fortunes like Ramon de Montaner or Ramir Busquets stand out among the houses of the small local manufacturers.