The Josefa’s Flowers: a Line of Author's Jewelry
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Spatiality Design
Josefa de Óbidos

How to Cite

Romãozinho, A. M. (2017). The Josefa’s Flowers: a Line of Author’s Jewelry. Res Mobilis, 6(7), 117–129.


The  Baroque  Jesuit  in  Portugal  reflects  a  moment  of  affirmation  of nationality  but  also  reflects  an  international  context  marked  by  the Counter Reformation and the need to inebriate through images, considering painting as a privileged  instrument  of  communication.  This article  focuses  on  the  underlying creative process to a jewelry line that has the concept of the nature seen through the  eyes  of  Josefa  de  Obidos,  important  painter  that  marks  the  seventeenth century.  We begin  with  an  approach  to  the  project  genesis  that  lies  in  the interpretation of variants as the poetic sense of metamorphosis and passenger, as well as the sense of this spatiality present in the elements depicted by the artist, marked by strong contrasts of light and dark and asymmetry in its context. The project   methodology   lies   in   the   intersection   of sketches, three-dimensional modeling and 3D print, which allowed  us  to  test  the  versatility  of the  pieces, consisting  essentially  of  modular  elements,  which  the  public  can  turn, raising different readings.
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