16th and 17th Centuries Cuban Furniture
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Rebirth Baroque customs
beautiful wood mobiliario

How to Cite

Martín Brito, L. (2016). 16th and 17th Centuries Cuban Furniture. Res Mobilis, 5(6 (I), 56–75. https://doi.org/10.17811/rm.5.2016.56-75


The panorama of the Cuban furniture of the 16 and 17th centuries is a not very  well known  topic.  The  socioeconomic  development  of  the  Island  in  those centuries  didn't  allow  notables  examples.  If  there  were,  the  most  has  not  been conserved.  During  the  colonize  epoch the  scanty  trousseau  that  the  conquerors accompanied he/she brought with them the airs of the Rebirth. With the advance of the XVI and XVII centuries, the furniture received the influence of the Spanish Baroque  with  certain  shyness.  Of the XVII century  beds,  cupboard, seats  and “monks” arm  chairs  are  conserved.  Probably a type of very popular  piece  of furniture  in  Cuba  along  of their  history,  be emerged  in  this  century,  the  well-know as Cuban stool. In spite of their shortage, the conserved copies, they allow to come closer  to  an  almost  unknown  world that  permits  to  reconstruct  the beginning of an extremely important process in the history of the Cuban art and in particular of their furniture.

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