The following presentation focuses on Grand Furniture in Portugal, from 1700 till 1820, with the interest of studying the „Credenza‟, a religious furniture linked to the cult of the Catholic Church, and the „Console‟, a civil furniture used in Salons and other luxurious interior environments. These pieces of furniture where interpreted in light of the main artistic movements which prevailed in Portugal during this period. On the other hand, an effort was made to highlight the influence of foreign artists and movements (English, French, Dutch) in their conception. Each piece of furniture is described by its main formal and stylistic features.
AGUIAR, António de, Mobiliário Português do Século XVIII (Achega para o seu estudo), Revista Ocidente, vol. XLVIII, Lisboa, Tipografia da Editorial Império Ld.ª, 1954.
BORGES, Nelson Correia, “As artes decorativas”, História da Arte em Portugal, Vol. 9, Lisboa, Publicações Alfa, 1986.
BORGES, Nelson Correia, Do barroco ao rococó. História da Arte em Portugal, Vol. 9, Lisboa, Publicações Alfa, 1986.
BUFFET-CHALLIÉ, Laurence, “France”, World Furniture, London, Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
CHAVES, Luís, Mobiliário ─ As Artes Decorativas, Lisboa, Ed. Excelsior, s.d.
CIECHANOWIECKI, Andrew, Spain and Portugal. World Furniture, London, Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
Decorative Arts ─ A Handbook of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California, 1986.
GONZALEZ-PALACIOS, Alvar, Arti Decorative. Fasto Romano dipinti, sculture, arredi dai Palazzi di Roma, Roma, Leonardo-De-Luca Editori, 1991.
GRUBER, Alain, L'Art Décoratif en Europe. Classique et Baroque, Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod, 1992.
HAYWARD, Helena, World Furniture, London, Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
HONOUR, Hugh, “Italy”, World Furniture, London, Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
JOY, Edward, Furniture, London,The Connoisseur Illustrated Guides, 1972.
KJELLBERG, Pierre, Le Mobilier Français. Du Moyen Âge à Louis XV, Paris, Guy le Prat Editeur, 1978.
Le Mobilier du XVIIIe siècle en France et en Europe, Ed. Mengès, 1991.
LUCIE-SMITH, Edward, Dicionário de Termos de Arte, Lisboa, Publicações D. Quixote, 1990.
PALLOT, Bill G.B., L'Art du Siège au XVIIIe Siècle en France (1730-1775), Paris, A.C.R. - Gismondi Editeurs, 1987.
PINTO, Maria Helena Mendes, Mobiliário. Artes Decorativas Portuguesas do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga. Séculos XV a XVIII, Lisboa, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, 1979.
PINTO, Maria Helena Mendes, Os Móveis e o seu Tempo, Lisboa, IPPC/MNAA, 1985-1987.
SANDÃO, Artur de, O Móvel Pintado em Portugal, Porto, Livraria Civilização, 1963.
SMITH, Robert C., “Portuguese Church Tables”, The Connoisseur, vol. 157.
SOUSA, Jaime Manuel de, “Mobiliário”, Dicionário de Arte Barroca em Portugal, Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 1989, p. 299.
The History of Furniture, London, Orbis Publishing, 1982.
VERLET, Pierre, La Maison du XVIIIe Siècle en France, Paris, Baschet et Cie, Editeur, s.d.
VERLET, Pierre, Styles. Meubles. Décors. Du Moyen Age au Louis XV, Tome I, Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1972.