The Office of the Vilumara Silk Factory in Barcelona: an Exceptional Example of the Textile Heritage of Principles of the twentieth century.
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office furniture Vilumara
factory of sedates Alexandre Soler Marye

How to Cite

López Pérez, F. (2016). The Office of the Vilumara Silk Factory in Barcelona: an Exceptional Example of the Textile Heritage of Principles of the twentieth century. Res Mobilis, 5(6(II), 351–370.


The office furniture Vilumara  is  investigated,  constructed  in  1915  in  the “Ensanche” of Barcelona. The office furniture was the commercial and managing headquarters  of  the  factory  of  sedates  Vilumara  of  Hospitalet  del Llobregat (Barcelona).  Alexandre Soler  Marye  was  the  interior  decorator  and important craftsmen of the epoch realized the furniture, flooring, glass, placard, lamps, etc, of  great  artistic  quality.  There  remains  the  furniture,  the  decoration and  the documentation  of  the  budgets  and  invoices,  property  of  the  descendant.  We realize a monographic and unpublished paper of one of few examples that remain of this typology of establishment in Barcelona.
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