Jesús de la Sota: Furniture and Architecture
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Arquitectura Design
Twentieth Century

How to Cite

Río Vázquez, A. S., & Blanco Agüeira, S. (2016). Jesús de la Sota: Furniture and Architecture. Res Mobilis, 5(6(II), 482–498.


The  work  of  Jesus  de  la  Sota  (Pontevedra  1924 -Berlin  1980)  includes sketches  of  fabric,  painting,  photography  and  a  large  number  of pieces  of furniture,  such  as  those  that  complement  the  buildings  of  his  brother Alejandro and  other  architects.

His  career  can  be  seen  as  a  constant  search  for  what  is essential  in  design,  since  its  beginnings,  with  murals  for  exhibition pavilions  or interventions in villages of the National Institute of Colonization, to the business experience of Cores y Sota, a comprehensive project of interior design for the sale of  its  pieces  of  furniture.  Among  his  designs  are  chairs  and  tables with  an industrial  finish  that  does  not  support  traces  of  craft.  The  orders  of different architects,  the  absence  of  a  market  of  modern furniture  in  Spain  and  its  own interest  in  manufacturing  processes  led  him  to  being  the  author,  manufacturer and promoter of his designs.
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