Phantom Chairs: an Hegemonic Anthology
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women designer
gender diseñadoras

How to Cite

Arias Laurino, D., Marciani, F., Moisset, I., & Muxí Martínez, Z. (2017). Phantom Chairs: an Hegemonic Anthology. Res Mobilis, 6(7), 151–178.


Through  the  chair  as  an  iconic  furniture  that  found  key  moments  of  20th century  design,this  paper  analyzes  the  anthologies  in  terms  of  gender  with  the aim of identifying the invisibility of women designers. Unveil the absence of these women and make a critical review of their histories, their contributions, and the chairs  they  had  design,  involves  a  construction  of  new  narratives  in  order  to avoid reproducing stereotypes and professional roles.
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