The "Way to Understand and Feel the Decorative Art" of the Architect Leonardo Rucabado (1875-1918)
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decoration Rucabado

How to Cite

Losada Varea, C., & Aramburu-Zabala Higuera, M. Ángel. (2019). The "Way to Understand and Feel the Decorative Art" of the Architect Leonardo Rucabado (1875-1918). Res Mobilis, 8(9), 93–111.


The architect Leonardo Rucabado (1875-1918) acquired the idea of a total work of art in his Modernist  training  in  Barcelona.  In Bilbao, he uses artistic industries of construction promoted by the School of Arts and Crafts. In his first works, of villas and chalets, he adopts interiors of English character  opposed  to exteriors  of   German  inspiration,  showing  a  clear  divergence  to   which  the furniture design inspired by the Viennese Sezession was added for a brief period of  time.  But  above  all,  in  his  regionalist  houses,  he  seeks  complete  coherence between  the  exterior  and  the  interior  of  buildings.  In his  texts,  we  see  his personal effort to introduce into the interior design and furniture the poetic spirit that animates all his works.
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