Spain and Philippines at the “Vatican World Exhibition” of 1888: Goldwork, Textile Art and Decorative Objects
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Vatican World Exhibition
liturgical catholic art Exposición Mundial Vaticana
arte litúrgico católico

How to Cite

Pérez Sánchez, M. (2020). Spain and Philippines at the “Vatican World Exhibition” of 1888: Goldwork, Textile Art and Decorative Objects. Res Mobilis, 9(10), 70–94.


The Vatican World Exhibition, sponsored by Leon XIII, constituted an outstanding event devoted to break the international isolation of the Vatican and show the validity of the catholic art and industry in front of a world where the secularism began to dominate. Spain with her overseas possessions were very important at that time; the Philippines for example, participated in the exhibition  with  an  artistic  repertoire  with  a  traditional  style  which  was dominated by the goldsmith and embroidery arts which show the craft of the best  artists  at  those  times  with  herparticular  character  as  a  Catholic  and conservative nation. At the same time in that Spanish participation identity elements  and  symbols  of  each  counties  and  regions  of  Spain  where  the imaginary  collective of  the  bourgeois  society in  the  Restauration  had taken on as own.
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