Molher que Foy…” Female Donation to the Churches of the Military Order of Santiago in Portugal, in the 15th and 16th Centuries
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Orden Militar de Santiago
visitas pastorales
siglos XV-XVI
donaciones Military Order of Santiago
pastoral visits
15th and 16th centuries

How to Cite

Sousa, A. C., & Cunha, M. (2020). Molher que Foy…” Female Donation to the Churches of the Military Order of Santiago in Portugal, in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Res Mobilis, 9(10), 52–69.


The  Military  Order  of  Santiagopromoted  the  feminine  elementfrom its foundation. Unlike other military orders, their knights could marry and start a family, creating dynasties within the Order. Its members, very close to the Crown, held the highest positions within the militia and their domains for  several  generations and  therefore, thosefamilies,  to  immortalize  their name and associate it with the communities they served, donated goods and objects thatreflected his greatness and the greatness of their families. In a journey through the texts of pastoral visitsconductedin Order of Santiago’s territory from the end of the 15th century to the first half of the 16th century, we  will  try  to  demonstrate  the  importance  of  women  in  these  donations  by analyzing the nature of the donated objects and the reasons of their choice.
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Bibliografía y Fuentes

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