A Fall-Front Cabinet Made of Ordinary Wood. Circulation and Consumption of non European Wood Between Lisbon and Madrid During the Iberian Union
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Maderas tropicales
Circulación de objetos
Monarquía Hispánica Circulation of objects
Hispanic Monarchy
Tropical wood

How to Cite

Martinho, B. A. (2020). A Fall-Front Cabinet Made of Ordinary Wood. Circulation and Consumption of non European Wood Between Lisbon and Madrid During the Iberian Union. Res Mobilis, 9(10), 19–37. https://doi.org/10.17811/rm.9.10.2020.19-37


In the autumn of 1623, a Portuguese muleteer was arrested at the outskirts of Cáceres for transporting a fall-front cabinet made of nonEuropean Wood. This event was the beginning of a long lawsuit which involved merchants, agents, local authorities, a carpenter and several witnesses. This case reveals how historical complexity is embedded in  allfront cabinets. Indeed, when seen as consumption objects, fall-front cabinets reveal much more than just their moment of production or their relation to the final consumer. In this story, the fall-front cabinet is an agent who establishes social relationships, consolidates transnational networks and generates conflicts. This article aims at demonstrating that a study focused on a fall-front cabinet can reveal a broad network of social relations. These can connect spaces as diverse as Portuguese America, the Castilian court or the Tagus River. Moreover, this case study offers the opportunity to unveil the diversity of interpretations and meanings that were created when this piece of furniture came across with an individual on its way.

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